First Posting — Children’s classes

I’m so excited to start blogging about knitting and hope you’ll enjoy reading my posts. I chose, as my first post, to talk about knitting with children. Enjoy!

As many of you know, I’ve been teaching children to knit for a few years now.  It’s so inspiring to see what kids as young as 2nd graders make!  New students frequently choose as their first projects beanbags, scarves and change purses. They learn the basics of knitting (knit, purl, cast on, cast off) first. They quickly progress to knitting stripes, sewing/weaving seams, and decreasing stitches for shaping (e.g., change purse flap).

Kids who’ve been knitting for a while are challenged with increasing skills. They might make stuffed animals, lace hats, and sweater vests (for themselves or for a favorite doll). They learn to knit lace, increase stitches for shaping (e.g., arms and feet of their stuffed animals), make icord for flowers and trim.

Check out the pictures below of some of the kids who’ve taken my classes and the projects they have finished.